Healthy tips for a New Year and a Dry January

As you embark on a new year, it’s a great time to assess and take stock of who you are, who you have been, and who you are becoming. 

Here are some tips to help you start the new year strong, and to continue healthy mental health patterns to keep you emotionally regulated.

Whether it’s managing finances, existential worries, grief and/or tension from our global realities, cultivating a healthy mind, body and soul to navigate through this winter season will help you feel good, despite the colder weather, lack of sunshine, and the drop off of social events. 

Start with some regular patterns of care: sleep, exercise, healthy eating. Try to sleep at the same time each night, and wake at the same hour. If you miss a few nights, that’s okay, be gentle with yourself and get back to the regular pattern. Same goes with exercise or healthy eating. Practice a dry January and try hydrating with water filled with fresh fruits or vegetables, rather than drying out by imbibing. If you have a slip-up, it is important not to berate yourself. Be gentle, take time to tell yourself the benefits in your mood, digestive pattern and mental health when you exercise, even for just a little bit.

Regular appointments with medical and mental health professionals are important. It feels good to be seen and cared for by a team who is committed to your healthcare.

In addition, dedicate time to spend with loving family and lovely friends to belong and connect. It’s important to schedule these in. Make a plan with a friend to see them at least monthly, drop in spontaneously with those who don’t mind. Ask your family member or friend to run errands with you, while making sure you have incorporated some things they like to do as well. Make outings part of your self care, and invite an acquaintance to go with you. Build friendships, and care for your family members—these efforts will not go unnoticed, and you will benefit from their presence in your life.

And, even just now, as you have read quite a bit, take a pause right now. Breathe deeply into your lungs. Close your eyes. Feel your hands over your heart. Invite God to speak into all these things. 

Name the worrisome or darker patterns that you want to release, and ask God to bring the right people to help you and release them.  Abandon those destructive things for what patterns that are truly well, beautiful and lovely in your life moving forward. May you be well this year, and beyond.


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