Women’s Life Transitions & Mental Health

  • Perinatal and postpartum support

    Perinatal & Postpartum

    The beginning period of motherhood and transition into this identity is a huge undertaking. There are amazing opportunities for growth and change in this new phase of life. Big emotions come with this period of time. Identifying signs and symptoms of postpartum mental health challenges is important, in addition to exploring how you are cared for while you are learning to care for others, including your baby and children.

  • Mid life, empty nest, perimenopause and menopause support

    Mid-Life & Peri/Post Menopause

    Mid-life, mid-career, empty nest and all the biological changes that come with these decades requires an often-surprising shift. Managing perimenopausal and menopause symptoms can include a game plan to address anxiety, insomnia, depression and other mental health challenges that are biologically driven, but should be addresed holistically. Support, compassion, and expertise from a skillful therapist can help you feel better and vibrant in life again.

  • Mental health support for older adult women in transitions

    Older Adult Women

    Retirement, loss, grief and health challenges can often come with this period of life. Psychological support in the areas of depression, grief, and contemplating end of life issues and questions come with this period of life. Flourishing into your later years while facing transitions of house moves, relationship losses, and living the later years without regrets can be a focus of therapy in this phase.


  • Work with Regina to gain insight into how your life stage is contributing to your emotions. Learn how to manage and leverage this stage for healing and growth

  • Work with Regina to deliver high quality content at your next event or training.