The gap between achievement and happiness
Regina Trammel Regina Trammel

The gap between achievement and happiness

The gap between achievement and happiness is about a lack of conscious awareness of one’s internal world, and skillful change. People who like the intense but fleeting feelings that follow achievement may not have a strong, resilient sense of self.

They chase that brief moment of joy, and then lose sight of who they are becoming. Soon enough, high and serial achievers may evolve into someone they don’t recognize. (click to read on)

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Embracing Your Summer Values: A Reflection Guide for August
Regina Trammel Regina Trammel

Embracing Your Summer Values: A Reflection Guide for August

As the golden days of summer begin to wane, August offers a perfect opportunity to reflect on how we've embraced our summer values. This introspective process not only helps us make the most of the season's final weeks but also prepares us for a purposeful transition into fall. Let's explore how to identify and nourish your summer values, ensuring a fulfilling end to this sun-soaked season.

Understanding Summer Values

Summer values are the principles and experiences we prioritize during this vibrant time of year. They often include: (click for more)

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Political Stress and Your Wellbeing
Regina Trammel Regina Trammel

Political Stress and Your Wellbeing

Understanding the Impact of Political Stress

In today’s world, it’s impossible to ignore the constant barrage of political news and events. These happenings can be overwhelming, causing significant stress and anxiety. Our brains, bodies, and souls naturally seek patterns of stability to signal safety and rest. When these patterns are disrupted by political turmoil, it’s crucial to prioritize self-care to maintain mental and emotional well-being…(click for more)

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Mindfulness in Menopause
Regina Trammel Regina Trammel

Mindfulness in Menopause

Navigating Menopause with Mindfulness: Finding Peace Amidst Change

The transition into perimenopause and menopause is a significant life stage marked by numerous psychological and physical changes. This period can often feel overwhelming, leading to moments where you question your reality, sense of self, and overall stability. Common symptoms like night sweats, insomnia, and a general sense of unease can exacerbate anxiety, leaving you feeling lost and confused (click for more)…

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Mindful Integration: Embracing All Parts of Yourself
Regina Trammel Regina Trammel

Mindful Integration: Embracing All Parts of Yourself

Integration is a way to be mindful. We attend and attune to all that is conflicted within in service to the world that is conflicted throughout.

It is the idea that we are holistic beings in our humanness, and integration knits what was split apart. (see more for mindfulness meditation prompt)

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What does healing in therapy mean? 
Regina Trammel Regina Trammel

What does healing in therapy mean? 

Healing in therapy is a transformative process that brings relief from the symptoms that initially led you to seek help. It can manifest in various ways depending on your specific needs and circumstances.

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3 Effective Ways to Reduce Stress and Live Emotionally Freer
Regina Trammel Regina Trammel

3 Effective Ways to Reduce Stress and Live Emotionally Freer

First, recognize and address physical stress. Start with the body. Recognize and notice where stress resides. Is it in your tummy? Does it manifest as headaches, nausea or increased or no appetite? Realign with your healthy eating goals. Move your body throughout the day by giving yourself some time to breathe and look at something beautiful—a flower, the sky.

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Ushering in the Year of the Dragon: Happy Lunar New Year!
Regina Trammel Regina Trammel

Ushering in the Year of the Dragon: Happy Lunar New Year!

As we usher in the Year of the Dragon, let's harness the strength and resilience of this powerful symbol to prioritize our mental well-being. Just as the dragon embodies courage and vitality, cultivating inner strength to face life's challenges with resilience and grace can be work done in therapy. Remember, it's okay to seek support and take care of your mental health journey. As an Asian American therapist, I have noticed that our visibility, our strengths and our challenges tend to be placed on the back-burner for the sake of assimilation, or as an effort to stay culturally humble. However, our voices need to be heard, we have cultural collective and individual strengths to share with our spheres of influence. This new year, let's cultivate self-compassion, seek support when needed, and embrace our cultural strengths to promote resilience and well-being. Wishing you all a year filled with peace, prosperity, and mental wellness. Happy Lunar New Year! 🎊🏮🧧 

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When Elmo from Sesame Street helps explain the benefits of a “Trauma-Dump”
Regina Trammel Regina Trammel

When Elmo from Sesame Street helps explain the benefits of a “Trauma-Dump”

When Elmo—yes that Elmo from Sesame Street—recently asked everyone how they were doing on X, many folks took the opportunity to vent their emotional response to the state of the world. It was bittersweet to read what folks posted. Responses to his (can we refer to an imaginary muppet as a person-based pronoun?) post, delved into the psyche of society-at-large these days. “Trauma-dumping” was the best way to describe what Elmo got back from his innocent, off-the-cuff inquiry. So, what is trauma dumping, and are there positive effects?

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Healthy tips for a New Year and a Dry January
Regina Trammel Regina Trammel

Healthy tips for a New Year and a Dry January

Healthy mental health tips as we end the year and look ahead.

Support is the most effective way to promote your wellness, health, mental health and collective wellbeing.

Whether it’s finances, existential worries, grief and/or tension from our global realities, cultivating a healthy mind, body and soul to navigate through this season will help you feel good, despite.

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Pushing Down Your Feelings Weighs You Down: How Mindfulness in Therapy Lifts Your Mental Health Burdens
Regina Trammel Regina Trammel

Pushing Down Your Feelings Weighs You Down: How Mindfulness in Therapy Lifts Your Mental Health Burdens

Sometimes we underestimate our mental health and our mental well-being. We aren't taught how to care for ourselves mentally often enough in school. Or, often our families neglect the psychological experience that we have when growing up. There are so many other issues and needs that we need to attend to in life, it seems.

However, the foundation of our wellness and our ability to make good decisions, and our capacity to take on the things that we want to (including responsibilities or obligations) are really related to our mental Health capacity.

For instance, do you wonder why you get exhausted when you've had a conflict during the day or feel stress? That’s because our bodies respond when we have limited mental health capacity–we push ourselves, psychologically.

And, when you push your feelings down–whether you do so consciously or unconsciously, delaying therapeutic help can lead to negative emotions that feel more and more out of your control.

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When does a specifically Christian mindfulness practice help with burnout?
Regina Trammel Regina Trammel

When does a specifically Christian mindfulness practice help with burnout?

Christian mindfulness practice can help you get to the heart and soul of your practice. When we are burned out, we often feel numb, overwhelming stress, detachment, and loss of purpose and concentration. Unaddressed, burnout can lead to increased anxiety or even depression.

Christian mindfulness helps us re-center our thoughts and experience of life in the larger purpose that God has for you. As divine image-bearers, we already have purpose, we can exercise our agency and freedom to work, live and move in the world with dignity.

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Three ways that mindfulness helps you with inner child work in therapy
Regina Trammel Regina Trammel

Three ways that mindfulness helps you with inner child work in therapy

Three ways that mindfulness can help with burnout. We grow in peace in therapy when we can take what we have learned and practiced into our every day lives. There is direction and flow when we begin to address our nervous system and regulate our emotions with somatic practices such as mindfulness.

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Walking meditation prompts
Regina Trammel Regina Trammel

Walking meditation prompts

Walking meditation is a way for you to build mindfulness skills. As you take steps, it is a journey of growth therapy. Therapy that takes you into nature helps regulate your body and prepares your mind for the work of therapy. It is a type of somatic therapy and helps your memory stores in your brain. We can come back to the images you see and sensory inputs to help bring you back to a peaceful state.

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Christian Mindfulness-reflection on walking meditation
Regina Trammel Regina Trammel

Christian Mindfulness-reflection on walking meditation

Walking meditation is a relaxing mindfulness skill that can help you re-process memories, make meaning of your experience. Used therapeutically, it can help you move away from just needing to sit. Our bodies are meant to work in concert with our thoughts and emotions. We use mindful walking in concert with the work we have done, whether to prepare for session, or debrief, walking in mindfulness can help you get out of your head and into your soul and heart.

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